Thursday 29 March 2012

FJAC New Version

The main change I've made for balance and also because it seems realistic is to restrict entry to the castle to the gateway and any breaches the FJ can blast with their 3x48FP DCs. On average this should create 2 breaches if properly employed. They didn't seem to be able to just walk in and did try to knock the walls down with demo charges on at least 2 attempts.

So we'll see how this goes.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

FJAC H 0532 19th March 1944

This is a near perfect German opening. Both FOs, both sMG42 Gruppen, all of 2nd company, and a platoon each of 1st and 3rd company.

I've placed an extra platoon (reinforced section in effect) of the 4/6 Rajputanas outside the castle walls, to cover the dead ground to the south of the castle.


It still seemed too easy to engage targets beyond NVR. So I added a +2 >NVR FTC DRM. This makes it very difficult to fire at stealthy enemy beyond NVR - net +8 DRM, +2 if you have the +2 defender ATC drm. With trying -2 and NIC, there is a net +7drm. Meaning HOB is needed unless you have a 9 or 10ML SMC.

This seems OK as it's the worst case.

In BdF 'Meatchoppers' the VG are LAX so a net +5 DRM applies. I don't think the +2 defender ATC drm applies since the VG had been spotted by an OP.

The effect of this is to help the US in BdF somewhat, since the Germans can't so easily engage the aaHT from the treeline. NET DRM = +2Night, +2>NVR+2VLR -1NIC -1 not snow camo [-2 trying] = +4/+2.

Probably how I want it.

I replayed FJAC and found the Germans had little difficulty making their way right up to the castle before daylight. Then they caught a lucky break and got in on a 4th Indian SNAFU. Once inside the garrison started surrendering en masse! Seems harsh but they'd suffered a lot of reverses, had 2 companies wiped out and there were swarms of FJ pouring up the hill to reinforce their foothold. So maybe not too outlandish.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Friday 23 March 2012


In response to several tries at FJAC scenario and how hard it was for the Germans to get into contact with the British/Indians I've revised the Night rules.

  1. I allow units outside of NVR to be concealed unless currently firing/SNAFU or moving in Illumination (though cautious/crawling retain concealment as normal.)  I was playing it this way, but what I wrote was different and made it easier to fire.
  2. I invoked the HSR that defending units add a +2 ATC drm to reflect their surprise and unwillingness to fire and give away their position or move and risk friendly fire.
Between these two it makes it very hard to engage German FJ as they approach - until someone SNAFUs or opens fire.

Thursday 22 March 2012

FJ CA on Castle notes

I've tried two run throughs of this and it's no easy ride for the Germans. It's quite likely they'll SNAFU an MTC (1 in 12 chance) and the Indians can get off a FLARE with about a 1 in 6 or 1 in 12 chance even if they don't SNAFU!

All the while, bringing the FJ on to the map needs a DR <=8 (or sometimes 7).

Altogether it's a very dicey opening...

Thursday 15 March 2012

CASSINO B Commentary

25NZBn are behind schedule - since they were supposed to reach route 6 by 2pm! However, they are not taking heavy losses and have inflicted some damage. 16 platoon are in the gully and have only lost 5-6 men. Vickers MMG sections are in place to support this attack as is the FOO.

The Germans are falling back but are still very deadly. It's easy to get a bad MOTIVATION DR on an NMC caused by sniper fire. Also, flanking MG fire is coming in  from the castle and the mortars will be able to start firing soon, now the barrage is lifting.

Very even tense fight this time.

CASSINO B to 1400 15th March 1944

Wednesday 14 March 2012

CASSINO B 1300 15th March 1944

This time the bombing has reduced the Germans in Cassino to 85 cadres. That's 170-220 men. There will be a few more losses due to the 25 pounder barrage and rallying from broken status.  There are a lot of holes in the line now, and the castle is now much more weakly held with only about 20-30 men.