Sunday 30 April 2023

Friday 28 April 2023

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Monday 17 April 2023



It's nearly full at this stage - only space for a few more farms some of which will only be able to use 6-8 farmers. I'd say about 50 more farmers and we're maxed out.

Maybe the sea birds should allow and extra farmer? They did eat them.

So 180-200 farmers is the limit. How to win?

Could say a certain number of farms? 10? Or income over 100? Once you have 100 income there will be nothing to spend it on... Except Vikings and ships!

Sunday 16 April 2023

Saturday 15 April 2023

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Thursday 6 April 2023

More tests


All the tiles..for now...

Wednesday 5 April 2023



Another very cool map. 

Controlling coasts is a key part of scoring points. It's unclear what the best plan is. Committing 2 ships keeps the other player out of the scoring but does not score extra. Being able to remove a ship at any time allows players to cut their losses and be flexible. All meeples can be removed but doing so scores no points. Players wil have to balance loss/gain.

I feel I need to add more of certain rare tiles to allow the map to have fewer holes.

As it is Iceland themed some volcanic features would be fun.

Volcanoes and lava fields? 

There is no reason mountains should not touch the sea - this is actually quite common in real geography.

Monday 3 April 2023


Another nice map. With the rules for coastline I think more meeples are needed. It was very constrained and boring after the boats were placed.

Maybe 3 steads, 4 ings and 5 knarrs? A total of 12 pieces for 180 tiles...

Carcsassone we have 7 and 140 tiles. 124 usable makes 1/18. So we should have 10...3/3/4? try 3/4/5 next time and see how it goes.

Looks a little like Iceland?


Considering scoring coastline as follows:-

Putting a ship on a coast claims it. You score one for every hex on the coast at game end. If an opponents ship is on the same coast it gets the points for every hex on the coast up to but not including the hex occupied by the other ship. So if 2 ships from different players occupy a coastline the both get the points for the coastline between their locations and each get points for the hexes on the other side of their locations.

Fjords effectively score 2 points as they go in and out of the fjord. Ideally, you want your ship at the mouth of the fjord when it is 'finished'.

Lakes can be 'finished' and score 1 point per hex in it - with the ship returning to the pool.

Ships can be moved to any coastal hex contiguously connected by coastline to their current location but cannot 'jump over' a ship of another player.

Sunday 2 April 2023

And another!


Another cool map - this took 90 -120 minutes - was a little distracted by whatsapp messages! To player a shorter game can just agree a set limit to the number of turns...100 for example and stop at that point. Could add an alarm to stop us overshooting. Unused tiles are not an issue.

Nice map!


Lovely map today - played using the rules summarised below. Dead heat! Only one annoying hole - fair enough as it would have been tactically useful to block that lake's completion.

A few times a fjord was finished and then included again in another fjord. Does this matter? A player does not have to finish the fjord and can leave their boat there, maybe? This adds another decision. The points will be available later though they may be shared.