Tuesday 3 April 2012

CASTLE HILL 0750 19th March 1944

This playing was a comprehensive German victory. All the 1/4 ESSEX and Rajputanas were killed and the castle occupied by 0750. German losses were heavy too, but as the recapture of the castle was the key to the battle it would be worth it. The Germans did benefit from some good dice rolls, especially early on. More British need to set up outside the castle and the 1/4 ESSEX who are on their way to Hangman's hill would be usefully employed in disrupting the German advance. The ease with which the Germans got a company plus into the dead ground south west of the castle clinched it. The 4th Indian division troops couldn't stem the tide. The British artillery achieved little. Another big factor. While the Germans got a lot of shots out of theirs. Will likely try this again!