Friday 31 March 2023

Something new!


This project is energising me again - I love the total absorption and problem solving/creativity.There is nothing else like it.

Plusses - the pieces are very much what I had imagined - and very easily adapted/extended. 

They produce beautiful maps. I want the game play to encourage players to make the map nice. As far as possible. It still has to be a game though.

There needs to be a tight limit on 'meeples' to force tough choices.

I imagine there will be 180 tiles finally. Some of the pieces that should exist do not exist. Need their mirror images. I also feel there are not enough coastline pieces and perhaps too many mountains? 

I don't think vassal can handle more than 180 tiles well. And a 180 tile game would be about 90 minutes. That's a pace of 1 tile each per minute.