Tuesday 6 November 2012

Arnhem fighting ebbs and flows..

This is a more interesting playing than my previous attempts. The German strategy of gradual infiltration wherever their probing finds a weakness is paying off - though the Paras are deadly and have exacted a heavy price for the lost ground.

The attacks by 10th SS PG Bn and 21 SS PGR troops on the western approaches to the bridge have made good progress, but the troops are now down to about 50% strength and can't achieve much more now.

The factory area is proving a tough nut to crack and a whole platoon of KG Knaust has been wiped out after achieving very little. The other factory is stronger than ever.

The 2nd company of KG Knaust is due to be available soon and I'll send it in against the HQ building, which is weakly held and vulnerable from many angles. If this can be taken it will provide superb locations to support the attacks on the schools and the blocks either side of the bridge.

There is no easy solution - the British must be eliminated in bloody attritional fighting one unit at a time.

In order to have much impact the bridge has to fall before midnight on the 18th.

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