Tuesday 1 April 2014

Recent changes

I've been tinkering about to balance the game - a very difficult process of trial and error.

I improved the level of ESCORT cover a bit - but now have reduced it. I also increased the number of German fighters by reducing the chance of 'none' being rolled on a dice. The maximum is still 6 but now I get 2-3 more often.

The new Flak placement is quite a big change and is causing a lot of losses and damage.

I am hitting the target more though - with 20-30% now typical.

Now if the B-17 is in HIGH TAIL or LEAD position it will get a lot of fighters over the target zone - a DR <= 9 suffices [~80%]. If beyond escort cover this could easily prove lethal - but so it should really. There is only a 10% chance of being so exposed in any given mission. And 30% of missions 6-25 will be in the MIDDLE with only a 42% chance of BANDITS over the target.

With 20 missions using FORMATIONS the B-17 should fly 1 mission in LEAD [-2], 1 mission in HIGH TAIL[-2], one in LOW TAIL [-1] 6 in HIGH [-1] and 6 in MIDDLE [+1]. The other 6 should be LOW [+0].

I can't pretend it's done yet - probably never stop tinkering as that is half the fun for me - but I feel it's close to ready. 90% or so.

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