Friday 31 March 2023

Something new!


This project is energising me again - I love the total absorption and problem solving/creativity.There is nothing else like it.

Plusses - the pieces are very much what I had imagined - and very easily adapted/extended. 

They produce beautiful maps. I want the game play to encourage players to make the map nice. As far as possible. It still has to be a game though.

There needs to be a tight limit on 'meeples' to force tough choices.

I imagine there will be 180 tiles finally. Some of the pieces that should exist do not exist. Need their mirror images. I also feel there are not enough coastline pieces and perhaps too many mountains? 

I don't think vassal can handle more than 180 tiles well. And a 180 tile game would be about 90 minutes. That's a pace of 1 tile each per minute.


  1. Thinking about Fjords being 'finished'. There is a clearly definable point when it is done - when no piece can be added that extends the narrow single hexspine path of the Fjord - the fjord has joined the open sea. Such a Fjord would be deemed fully explored and score 2 points per hex involved and the ship returned to the pool of counters playable. Inland lakes are done when they are surrounded by land. How you get the ship out is moot - they could drag it I guess!

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  3. The completion of Fjords is when no further tiles can extend the narrow 1 hexspine path of the Fjord - and the Fjord joins the open sea. Inland lakes are completed when enclosed by land. In both cases the Fjord/lake score 2 points per hex tile that is part of it and the ship[s] are returned to the pool and can be used again. If there are competing sides in a single Fjord/lake they both score 2 points per tile unless one has more ships in which case they get the full point and the other side none. As Carcassone. Unfinished lakes/Fjords at game end score 1 point per hex. Unfinished mountains nothing. Unfinished farms score for the tiles adjacent and the tile they are on - if eligible.
