Friday 5 July 2013


My Updated AIFT. [Accumulated Infantry Fire Table - maybe - can't find a really good acronym but I do like it to be AIFT not IFT]. Anyway. It has a lot more Ps which mean PTC = pin task check.

Thus it doesn't matter how much cover you are in if you are fired at you must take a PTC. Most units will pass 1 PTC no problem. Half will pass 2. Only one in 3 will pass 3 etc.

The effect of this is to make PINNING a lot more likely and feasible even with small amounts of firepower. Also, once the enemy are pinned it is easier to keep their heads down because PINNED not under fire targets do not take PTC - they automatically become PINNED UNDER FIRE with no DR and no chance of HOB. [I decided to apply this to PRONE/HEADS DOWN targets too, since they are effectively 'voluntarily pinned']

Another feature is BROKEN units will take a lot more PTC = MC for them and therefore have to ROUT or RALLY rapidly. They cannot hang about under fire and expect to survive for long. I like this effect though I hadn't thought about it before.

The HSR to ignore PTC unless already PINNED NOT UNDER FIRE by fresh troops will now have more impact. A maxim I have is that if a rule is too effect subtle to register in play it is best deleted. Chances are it would be forgotten anyway.

NOTE - The NOT IN COMBAT -1 ATC DRM is very important but as soon as someone within 100m is PINNED UNDER FIRE it cannot be used, even if that unit manages to unpin and move/fire the UNDER FIRE marker is separate and remains in that location until the INITIATIVE switches over.

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