Monday 16 January 2023

BDF at 1638 - GERMAN WIN


The US are reduced to just a few cadres and crews, a hero and a leader [wounded]. The rest are POWs, broken or surrendering. The 2 remaining M8s can't be expected to do much at this stage. 

The Germans succeeded by exerting cautious steady pressure. They whittled down the US defenders who ran low on ammo and men. 

It was a brave defence - no doubt. But the Germans are numerous, have FP and can use the time they have to wear down the US.

In the real battle, I suspect they were in a rush and ran risks. Also, they would not have had St44s or snow camouflage in all likelihood. It's conceivable coming from Norway they'd have snow camouflage. But there is no evidence for this.

Still. A fun game. Lots happened. What next?

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